The grass on the lawn is only just beginning to show much growth, but the chilly weather hasn't held back the dandelions. In yesterday's sunshine the new dandelions seemed to blaze their brightness back at the sun.
And along the hedge there's more yellow too - lesser celandine covers the ground. Overnight the weather has changed and this afternoon is wet and gloomy, so all those bright, little celandine stars have re-closed.
Wordsworth wrote about lesser celandine shrinking from cold and rain but at 'the first moment that the sun may shine, bright as the sun himself, tis out again'. Taking time to enjoy the sun yesterday I was able to keep an eye out for returning swallows; I saw one briefly on Thursday, but yesterday there were half a dozen over the valley.
And when I checked with a torch last night 'my' swallows were back roosting on a beam in the garage roof on either side of last summer's nest. All that way and they make a beeline to my garage, marvellous.