Friday, 6 September 2013

Break for lunch

I've only myself to blame. I was given nine months to write the book I'm working on at the moment and should have paced things better.
I didn't, so it has become something of a scramble. It will get done, but only just (hope my publisher doesn't stumble on this blog...) What I hadn't been expecting was just how good the summer was going to be, and when the weather is as good as it was in July and early August the last thing you want to do is be in front of a computer, is it?
As a result things have been left undone. The garden has become very unkempt, the window frames didn't get painted and this blog has been left fallow.
But anyway, it was an incredible summer. I've dropped in here on my way to the kitchen to cook the corn cob I've just picked for my lunch. Yes, summer 2013 has taught me that I can grow sweetcorn in north Pembrokeshire.
All the effort I've put in over the last few years, has been wasted. And this year seed rotted in the chilly ground, but the plants I started under glass did keep going through a less-than-promising spring.
And they've loved the heat, which means I've a nice little crop of corn to enjoy this autumn. Off to lunch - and, promise to self, more posts.  

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